Category Archives: uncategorized

Thoughts on the Site

I am 30 unique visitors away from 2,000. People from 69 countries have viewed photos of St. Augustine. However I have 0 visits from Idaho and Wyoming. I’d love to change that soon, so help spread the world about this site. Feel free to use the share this icon below each picture to post it on your own social networks.


Also for any frequent visitors I do have a RSS feed. It’s that little orange icon in the top left. Here’s a quick overview for those who haven’t wanted to save time.

I am a freelance graphic designer and have a new website to show-off: I’d love for you to keep me in mind for any future needs.

I have a few thoughts for expanding things here or tossing together a book but I’ll be watching the web stats to make sure the interest is there…or at least hold out for Idaho and Wyoming. A tip jar can be found on the left donate button and is always appreciated.