Category Archives: uncategorized

Monotonix at Cafe Eleven

Monotonix at Cafe Eleven Picture

Great show at Cafe Eleven. Didn’t have my camera so here’s a shot from my phone. That’s the lead singer hanging from the rafters upside down next to a cymbal at the start of the show. It then proceeded to get crazy until the whole band had made their way to on top of the bar followed by the parking lot. Check out my great shots from when they came last year for a better idea of what a Monotonix show entails. Highly recommend checking them out.

Brief Site Update Ramblings

Brief Site Update Ramblings Photo

I have had over 10,000 unique visitors with over 34,000 page views. All 50 states and over 100 countries have viewed photos of St. Augustine. Nearly 5,000 spam messages have been blocked. In November Tiger Woods’ private matters brought nearly 3,000 views to a photo of his yacht. This influx of visitors may have led to my site getting hacked in December, requiring me to sort through the code and fix it. Our local progressive lifestyle newspaper Drift featured St. Augustine Pics in it’s latest issue. All this attention coming during a time of neglect on my part from the recent cold spell, travels across the country and finishing 26th out of 700 in a marathon (high-five!). Now I’m in the process of switching jobs which will get me home earlier to explore the town with my camera.

Thanks for being a part of it and feel free to use the share this icon below each picture to post it on your own social networks and tell your friends. The facebook fan page has over 500 fans who have begun to post their own pictures which is great. I started this just to give myself motivation to roam around more with my camera so all the e-mails and friends letting me know what the site has meant to them has just been a great bonus.

And finally if you haven’t donated to Haiti please consider it. Whew…it’s so much easier to just post a picture and be done, ha ha.