Two problems: I love my town but don’t spend enough time in it and I have a nice camera that I don’t spend enough time with.
One solution: Start a website forcing me to do both.
St. Augustine Pics is my attempt to take time to smell the roses and get lost with my Casio Sony & newer Sony point and shoot camera. This is an ego free exercise of adopted home town love. I’m happy to share it with you and hope you found something appealing during your visit.
Join St. Augustine Pics on Facebook.
Myself: Jak Krumholtz – graphic designer for hire
Email me:
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Let me know if you are interested in any photos for stock use.
Someone today found my website by searching for "usf nude girls pics." They must have been so disappointed when they ended up here.
i was pretty bummed…
I just wanted to tell you that I love your website and your photos…Ive been to St Augustine only twice but I feel connected to it, and living in WI makes it hard to get looking at your pictures takes me to a happy place and I love it. Thank you
Thank You so much for taking time out to do this. I lived in St. Augustine from the time I was born until the time I shipped out to the Navy at 19yo. I am so out of touch with that place and am now completely heartbroken to know that the Bridge of Lions is DESTROYED!? I hope I can make it back there soon to see what else of Historic St. Augustine they are going to rip away from us now. I would rather be stuck on that bridge than have some new fangled piece of crap.
FYI — The Bridge of Lions has not been destroyed Tommy Paton. It is being Rehabilitated — restored to it's former glory. Scheduled to be completed in 2010. Check out
I'm writing to you from the snowy depths of Sutton, Quebec, Canada which is near the Vermont border to the southeast of Montreal. Since I'm about to shoot myself due to a lethal combo of cabin fever and S.A.D., I began searching for a place to rent for two months next winter. As I skittered down the map of the U.S. eastern seaboard, I found myself strangely drawn to the name St. Augustine.
Well, one thing led to another and eventually I stumbled across your marvellous website. Thank you for the wonderful pics. Both arty and informative, they have helped me to decide that St. Augustine is the place for me!
WOW!! I'm impressed! luv ya,
…and I live in Medway!!!
I must be off!